

Constructing and maintaining clean, waste and industrial water networks to ensure the safe and efficient supply of water across the USA.

Our services

DHD has worked in this sector for many years, providing services from connecting an individual home to designing and building pumping stations for some of the biggest names in water. We understand the issues that the industry faces and work collaboratively with clients to ensure work is carried out efficiently, to the agreed budget and to a high standard.

Our services include planned and reactive mechanical and electrical (M&E) services, renewing and laying new pipelines, 24-hour response on the sewer and water mains network, maintaining reservoirs and upgrading treatment works and end-to-end metering services along with in-house survey, design and commissioning capabilities.

We are always looking for new ways of doing things, such as ensuring we are highly BIM capable (Building Information Modelling). As part of a Group that offers the full utilities services we are also able to provide water services within a multi utility offering and use experiences in one sector to benefit another.