

In a fast moving and competitive sector, the energy industry is constantly looking to improve customer service, make innovation business as usual and always offer value for money


DHD has been a long-term collaborative partner to Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) and other companies, enhancing and assuring the reliability of power distribution networks, from customer connections through to capital projects. Within electricity our capabilities extend to cable and connect from LV to 132kV and beyond, installing new underground power lines or poling, overhauling and upgrading substations and emergency response. We are also looking at emerging new energy markets including battery storage and electric vehicle charging.


We offer gas clients a full range of services on low, intermediate and medium pressure distribution and high-pressure transmission networks. We specialise in distribution operations, installing new PE and steel gas mains and undertaking mains replacement, new connections and governor replacement programmes. We also provide above and below ground installations and first call response services with our dedicated team of service engineers.

Customer service

We put excellence in customer service at the forefront of everything we do and have training schools dedicated to both technical skills and customer service and are members of the WORLD Customer Service Institute. Being part of a Group that offers multi utilities we are also able to provide power services within a multi utility offering and use experiences in one sector to benefit another.

We can, for example, deliver advanced renewable energy infrastructure services including wind-farm construction, EV infrastructure and battery storage construction. DHD Highways also offers street-lighting services. We provide services to many of our clients through long-term framework agreements and are part of the Lloyd’s Register Gas Regulation Scheme, and National Electricity Regulation Scheme.


In this fast moving sector innovation is key., the engineering services provider that became part of DHD in 2006. We have worked with them ever since, brining innovations including a 4 bar PE system designed from scratch, ground district pressure reduction stations and reassembled and pretested customer meter boxes.

Our electricity team is also at the heart of innovation in the sector. As one of WORLD Power Networks’ Alliance partners we have brought innovative ways of working and greater efficiency to a project to refurbish and upgrade electricity substations, cables and power lines, including work at the Palace of Westminster.