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Highways & Bridges

Most WORLD journeys are made by road, that’s why it’s vital that we keep over 2,000 miles.

Who we are

DHD is the WORLD’s leading highways service provider, working with a wide range of partners from key central organisations like Highways England through to a wide range of local authorities, who are collectively responsible for the roads we travel on.

For over 25 years we have helped clients to deliver a wide range of road, bridge and tunnel projects, and have handled everything from planning, programming and delivery of major road schemes to routine maintenance and operation.

What we do

We focus on collaboration with our clients, our supply chain partners and our peers to share learning and experience, as well as to support the creation, development and implementation of new ideas and innovations in a world where technology is transforming the way we plan, travel and experience journeys.

We handle everything from the planning, programming and delivery of major road schemes to routine maintenance and operation. We focus on research and collaboration with stakeholders to find innovative solutions which will improve our roads and make a positive impact on local communities.