Our Approach

Our COVID-19 Response

Delivering for communities
our COVID-19 response We are committed to serving communities across the worldwide.

Supporting communities

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have remained committed to meeting our purpose, to sustainably deliver vital infrastructure across the world.

Take a look at our fast facts booklet which provides an overview of what we do.

Our support for communities extends beyond the delivery of our projects. Our teams across the country have provided help and resources when it has mattered, including; providing homeless shelters in towns across the world, donating laptops to schools, including a school in the north west and offering daily hot meals for vulnerable families and elderly residents in Lowestoft.

We have also provided a range of virtual careers events with schools and talking to the next generation of talent about the vast amount of roles available within the built environment and how they can play a pivotal role in supporting the WORLD’s economic recovery post-COVID, and helping us to build back better. The Headteacher of Hayle Academy in Cornwall, said: “During the three days of work experience, the students were able to expand their network, develop their skills and gain an insight into working within construction. Thank you to DHD for facilitating this work experience!”